Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Never Eat Sushi in Mexico

When you think of cautionary tales in Mexico, a few obvious pointers come to mind:

"Don't drink the water"
"Don't get shot by a member of a drug cartel"
"Don't wear a 'Trump Rocks!' shirt"

But, as Jerrod and I would discover, there are other evil forces afoot in our neighbor to the south.

To be fair, our vacation had a shaky start. We were ORIGINALLY supposed to go to Puerto Rico, but Hurricane Maria hit two days before our scheduled departure. (I won't gripe too much about that; Puerto Rico has it rough...and I don't pretend that a nixed vacation compares to toughing out a legendary storm, losing everything, and seeing your home in ruins.)

Luckily, I snagged a TravelZoo deal at the last minute: A trip to Los Cabos, 4 nights, all-inclusive, airfare included, for ~$650 a person. Not bad, not bad. "This is so spontaneous and adventurous," I thought in a moment of optimism / trying to be a completely different person. (I plan trips for months in advance--it's my hobby, yo. So this was uncomfortable, though not unpleasant.)

Jerrod and I had a pretty uneventful flight there, except we did nearly get scammed by some overzealous locals selling timeshares in the airport, not to mention Jerrod was pressured to propose to me (one of two times on this trip). But somehow we made it through the minefield of the airport, found our shuttle, and ended up at our resort.


Jerrod and I took some amazing spoof-glamor shots at the beach and added another awkward photo to to our burgeoning collection (look for a coffee table book soon). A local who spoke no English took the picture of us, and he had no context or explanation as to why we posed like complete, utter dorks. I forgot how to speak Spanish due to my laughter--and general rustiness.
I also took full advantage of the bar, and it was like a competition with myself to see if I could truly get my money's worth. I spilled two drinks but no biggie, "no pasa nada," or something like that. That's the beauty of all inclusive resorts.

That night, we got dressed up and went to the Asian restaurant on the premises. Everything was already paid for--so I indulged in EVERYTHING EVER. But that would bite me in the ass. Or at least impact my ass.

Dressed up to lay around and stuff my pie hole

I ended up getting everything I loved--Thai soup, sushi, sashimi, yellow curry...and would ruin these things for myself forevermore. Or at least for a few weeks.

How could something so delicious kill me?

"Let's eat here again tomorrow!" I gleefully told Jerrod after a delicious meal.

"Yeah!" he agreed. "We'll do hibachi tomorrow."

We scheduled our meal for the next day like a couple of ignorant chumps.

That night, I reflected on my perfect day with my perfect human and snuggled into bed at 10:30 p.m. with a smile on my face. Sun, fun, a sexy pair of buns, and mojitos--did it get better? No, no it did not.

I can't wait to repeat this tomorrow, I thought.

Famous last words--er, thoughts.

(yeah, I'm shifting to present tense here. What, what?)

My eyes fly open. I glance at the clock. It's 12:30 a.m. ...and my stomach is turning.

Weird. Maybe I ate too much, I think. The second that thought occurs to me I realize that's not true because it's been HOURS and I eat like a champ EVERY DAMN DAY and WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING and OMG I HAVE TO PUKE--

I scamper out of bed with this horrid realization. I hug the toilet and promptly vomit sushi and Thai food. It's just as disgusting as it sounds.

As wretched as it feels to throw up, I somehow feel a strange sense of relief afterward and figure I can crawl back to bed.

I sleep. An hour passes. My eyes fly open and OH MY GOD OH MY GOD

Back to the toilet. This time it feels like a gremlin is wringing out my insides like a wash rag, and vomit shoots out of me like a geyser, I'm talking Old Faithful in Yellowstone, and holy god I want to die. I am violently ill.

The worst part? I am basically scream-vomiting because of the force. Jerrod starts knocking at the door (which is dumb because it wouldn't close all the way, just close over).

"Go away!" I yell. "Don't look at me!"

I collapse on the ground in a deep sweat. The cool tile feels good on my clammy skin, and I curl up in fetal position.

The next few hours I am a creature outside of space and time. The only things that exist are me and the toilet. I retch and retch and retch, but nothing can come out of me, and my abs are already sore. I crawl back to bed, and Jerrod tries to wrap his arm around me, but I feel too filthy and have all-over body aches so I bark, "Don't touch me!" not unkindly, but dear lawd, touch at your own risk.

At some point Jerrod goes downstairs to the convenience store, but it's some ungodly hour, so NOTHING is open.

At this point, my puke transitions to poop that looks like coffee grounds. Glorious.

"What happened? Why aren't you sick?" I moan, racking my brain for a possible explanation. Was it the water from brushing my teeth? Surely not?

How can something so innocuous and cute accompany a bacteria-laden meal from hell?

Meanwhile, Jerrod's searching his phone for answers. "You DID have milk with your cereal this morning," he says. "That can be risky. Maybe that's why."

I literally get up so often to empty myself that at one point I just decide to lay on the floor of the bathroom, and preempting my needs like the total amazing dude he is, Jerrod has a pillow on the floor already for me.

Speaking of his amazingness, Jerrod decides to brave the world outside of the resort and walk down a Mexican highway to find me some electrolytes and meds. It's at this point he realizes...

He is sick too.

He's not puking, thankfully, but it's not like the other end is much fun, either.

Good thing he double-fisted it and hydrated at dinner
He finally tells me this in the gray light of the dawn. "I'm sick too, baby," i remember him saying.
I blink in disbelief. "But you haven't been running to the toilet."

Apparently, he had to use the toilet downstairs while he was searching for meds for me.



At some point we had to let the downstairs desk know that we couldn't make our sailing and snorkeling excursion. To do so, we had to have a doctor's note. Bull, right? I should've just pooped on the guy.

Our First Foray into Mexican Medicine

Still, a doctor's visit wasn't a bad idea. We were screwed up, after all, and that's putting it mildly. The resort shuttle whisked us to a Mexican doctor who gives us detailed information on what to eat and not eat, along with what meds to take. The whole visit cost us $7. The meds were cheap as hell, too.

Only problem was...
Jerrod's SnapChat says it all.
Yeah, I was told to shoot a needle in my neck so I could stop throwing up. No, the doctor wouldn't do this. I had to buy this from a pharmacy and DO IT MYSELF.


Can't people kill themselves by getting an air bubble in their bloodstream? Yeah. Thanks but no thanks.
The Aftermath 

The next 12 hours were spent literally shitting nonstop every few minutes. I drank water, my stomach growled, my body rejected it, repeat, over and over. The worst part was that the door didn't completely close...so Jerrod and I got to the next level of intimacy on this trip. What a bonding experience!

Even though Jerrod didn't puke, I'd take the puking over his experience. He ended up super feverish and literally slept all. day. long.

The next day? We were done puking and pooping, but we were utterly devoid of energy, unable to eat, and unable to eat hardly anything. Pretty much it felt like we were run over by a truck, then eaten by vultures, then barfed up again. Yaaaay Mexico!

The One Bright Side to All This?

We expected to leave the resort fat and bloated from buffets and drinks. Instead, we lost weight in what was the world's shittiest weight loss regimen:

"I lost 7 pounds on the Cabo Cleanse! Simply ingest the tainted sashimi and watch the pounds fall off!"

I also got to hang out with a pretty rad fella and further realized how swell he is. There is no one I'd rather suffer alongside.  :) (Gag) Y'all don't wanna hear about that. I guess that's another bright side. A happy couple on vacation is boring...so now we have a story worth telling.